Saturday, August 29, 2009

When Coffee is on the line...

Coffee is just about the only legal performance enhancing supplement on the market... it might as well be an amazing one from Kickapoo Coffee!

Dick is getting fast:

This video is old, but you can see that Dick is quick... He was even faster this week!
Intermediate Race
1. Dick, VT
2. Chris S.
3. Andrea Venticher
5. Thom Falter, VT, old school jersey
6. Bryn Hawklove, Blue Dog
7. Meg Newlin, Rp Activesports/Craft Factory Team

Thom would have put the smack-down upon Dick if his stem hadn't crapped out on him, maybe next week?
Tune in for the exciting details, or better yet, come out and test your mettle against Waukon IA's finest and a few Viroqua Locals!
Jay, Lee and Chris are getting loney in the Expert Cat. Come out and show those guys what's up.

Hard to Stop a rolling Train

Well another week has gone buy and Cross Fever is spreading... Alice and her brother Will are back from vacation and things are now officially rocking! We doubled the amount of racers we had last week in the kids races and had many more local MTBers who eventually may give it a shot in attendance.

In the Kids Race, 5-7
We had Macy Kuppersmith and Connor Vatland duking it out. Seriously! They were really going for it. While that race usually is kids who have just learned how to ride, these guys were racing, overcooking turns, running the hills. Very neat.

in the 8-11 Catagory we had
Will and Alice, Jakob, Rilah V. and Liam K., Connor doubled up and rode with the big guys as well. These guys did two laps of the full course and were very impressive. While Will and Jacob held back initially, soon they were off the front, with Jacob losing Will in the barriers. See above video! Jacob looks pretty good out there on a bike!

The Falters rolled in a bit late so we did a second round of races and they were awesome. The kids we glad to not just be wailing on eachother.

So it looks like the word is spreading, thanks Pete for twisting some arms out there!

Saturday, August 22, 2009

Steeper than it Looks!

Here they Go! Wish I wasn't yelling so loud, but I guess it is better to be enthusiastic than blase.

Week 3 Already?

Well another week has come and gone... this week instead of super-hot temps we had another couple inches of rain! Yuck... the clay was like an ice-rink and the boys from Iowa killed it by choosing to run 29er MTBs this week...

A race or Expert/Pro Dude
1. Lee V.
2. Chris Newlin, Team Wheaton/Vernon Trails
3. Jay Skrede "Biscuit Man", Vernon Trails

B race
1. Chris S
2. Bryn "the wyn" Hawglove, Veron Trails/BlueDog
3. Donna Skrede, Vernon Trails

C Race
1. Meg Newlin
2. Becs Hawglove, Vernon Trails
3. Tyler Hamilton, Rock Racing

Kids Races
Every Catagory was won by a Falter... they dominated!
1. Dominic
1. Hannah
1. Teresa
Will anyone come out and challenge

Monday, August 17, 2009

First Video

This is from the first week. I have some more from last week but they aren't on the computer yet. Wish I wasn't so loud!

Friday, August 7, 2009

Girls Racin'

Here is Alice, winner of the girls race. Alice got her bike 4 days ago and is very excited about riding it! She has been dragging folks to the trails to ride everyday. She's a natural on the bike and I look forward to watching her grow into the sport.

Trial Run

Everyone likes Prizes. Alice showing off her first Place Gloves, Giro Xena, in pristine white. Not for long!
Here is the Registration Tent without the tables and coolers and such.

Okay, here is the left on the end of South Street... To get here, turn at the corn of South Street and Main towards the DQ, across the street from Sponsors BlueDog Cycles. Note the Dead end Sign and Balloons. Left here!
Continue until you hit this crazy looking driveway. All kinds of minivans made it up the road. You can too!

Thanks to the folks who braved the weather to come out to the first race of the season. I have included some pictures of Alice, our Jr. race participant and future Worlds Medalist, as well as pictures of the major landmarks.

Congrats to Shane Kubo who rallied the course besting older and wiser men... Great Job Bryn, Meg and Ryan as well. Hope you enjoy your Margaritas at Chilito Lindo!

Wednesday, August 5, 2009

Times and Directions

Kids Races
5-7, 2 short laps. 3:45 Start
8-11, 2 Full Laps, 4:00 Start
Girls Open, 2 Full Laps, 4:20
12-15, 20min or 4 Laps, 4:40
Adult Races
Beginner/Townie, 20min, 5pm
Beginner with cross bike/Intermediate, 25min, 5:25
Expert/Pro dude, 40min, 6pm
Once in Viroqua, head West on South St. buy the DQ, opposite BlueDog Cycles. Follow South until
the Road Dead-ends and continue left untill you see the signs on the left hand side of the Road. Look for the signs and Balloons.
Thanks to our many great sponsors who have provided prizes and fun to this fantastic event. If you have questions please contact

Monday, August 3, 2009

Sunday, August 2, 2009

More Bling...

Getting the Tubies on these guys was way harder than the EA70xs... Rather have it be too hard than too easy though.

All Show, No Go!

Lake 401mx, note the bling! Kangaroo leather and Boa...
Got some new gear... Look Carbon Quartz's and Lake 401MX. Dropped about 2 pounds from the 10 year-old shimano pedal and shoe combo. Shoes are thermo-modling, super comfortable. The Boa things was new, but so far it is very light and comfy. I use the power zones on the top and have zero slop.

The pedals were one of those instant upgrades. Put on the cleats, got the shim chart off the look
site and was up and running. Check out the review in this month's VeloNews, feel like Times, but are lighter and handle mud better. I am sold.