Friday, February 29, 2008

Jacob, Shane, Dan and Will

Kids at VMH Wellness Center Frosty Cross...

VMH Wellness Center Frosty Cross!

Ok, here it is at long last! Pictures from the Frosty Cross Event

Fun Event! I have to get the hang of this Blog stuff as not all of the Pictures made it on. Another Post will be coming soon.

Just a quick word of thanks to the first round of racers who came out and made it a go. It sounded like everyone had a blast. We had some first-time racers who really were great and Parks and Rec made it possible to have a very cool course. They even packed the snow down with a giant tractor the morning of the event! It was very cool.

Got to give some shout outs: First to TJ Sememanchin(sp?) Not only did he provide coffee for the event, both beans for competitors and liquid for everyone, he delivered it on a cold day via Burly. Very Cool, Second he got second in the beginners race! TJ has gobbs of natural ability and I think is going to be a big part of the crossing around these parts for a long time. Thanks for your help and I look forward to seeing you race in the Fall!

All the volunteers get a big shoutout! Josh, April, Lori Kleppe and Mary who ran registration, Candy, Jen, and Dan and Jill who made everything else happen.

Mt. Borah for the beautiful hats that were great gift bag type stuff. We look forward to seeing you guys in the fall. Maybe Raven will even get to come out as a part of the Sponsorship package?

Matt Kuennen who raced his first cross race in the snow! After the race he was just all fired up, you could see that he really loved him some cross. He also did the event in my shoes, so I sort of got to compete. Hope to see you in the Fall Matt, great ride!

All of the non-hockey-playing Viroqua Kids! Effi, Joquin, the Kuboz Boys, Noah who has turned his Dad Ken into a racer, Will B., the Faulter kids who all ride as great as their hammer father Thom.

To the Iowa folks Lee and Andrea Venteicher who make the drive up for this and the rest of our races. Hope the prize $ covered gas!

To all the folks who were first timers and did so in the snow, hope it was fun, thanks for the support!

Thanks again to the Madcross site for posting the results and announcements for this and all other races! People have made the drive simple because it was on the Madcross site that I check daily.

To all the people forgotten!

Catch you all later, only a few more months until fall. Look for a bare boned schedule later next week, and maybe some pictures of the potential course sites.

First Entry

Hello everyone... or no one. Welcome to the Viroqua Cross site, where I will attempt to keep the world abreast of the cross goings on in Viroqua and promote our series, solicit sponsors and interest for the sport of 'cross in the tiny berg of Viroqua WI.

So as of now things are looking very promising for next years' series. Sponsors have actually contacted us to see if they can be involved, and my Boss Dan Marco is allowing me to put time at work into making it great. Things are looking up like they are going to be great for next season.

So far for next year all of our exisiting sponsors want back on and Mt. Borah has also thrown their hat into the ring. While particulars haven't been hammered out, I am thankful for the confidnece and support of the local cycling giant!

Ideas that are popping around for next season are as follows: A new site at the school for a bit of a longer course that has some woods and a run-up, girls races, some new volunteers to help last seasons awesome vols, and a big push from the VMH marketting dept!

Vernon Memorial Healthcare, the title sponsor, continues to throw time and money at cool local events. The last one was the Frosty Cross, I have some pictures that I'll get up later today, and the Frosty 5 Winter Fest. Both were great successes that I haven't spammed any bike-lists with the results yet. Yeah, I would say it is because I am busy, but mostly it is because I am lame and finished with winter.

Another big deal locally is the push for a Jrs. team for next season. The plans are starting to flesh out a bit as again, Blue Dog Cycles and Pete Taylor are coming forward with time and energy towards making it happen. I have offered running a practice and driving to the WCA races. I guess it isn't completely selfless as I look forward to making something healthy for my daughter and her buddies in the future. Plus I would maybe get to do all the races on the calender! That would be neat to say the very least.

So, that is pretty much what is happening in my world out here. I just can't say enough about how cool everyone has been about making the series happen. From the Sponsors like Kickapoo Coffee (TJ and Caleb), The Local General, VMH, and BlueDog who gave prizes and mech. support for every race, amazing thanks again Pete, Alycann, and Daryl! Next year will bring a few more sponsors, but we'll always remember these charter sponsors who got this wheel rolling!